of Next examinations:
July 4 th 2019 - in Bucharest and Tuzla : modules Part 66 cat B : 5 cat B1 and B2
July 18th 2019 - in Brasov : modules Part 66 cat B : 10
July 22th 2019 - in Bucharest: modules Part 66 cat B : 7, 15, on request
Please confirm your presence on the platform or by email .
The hour will be comunicated 2/3 days before. Advise if you need a particular timetable.
Training course should be successfully completed!
- If the exam shall be repeted after previous failure, check the 90 days overdue!
- Few days before exam, confirm your partecipation to your tutor, by email !
AERONAUTICAL TRAINING for technical staff involved in aeronautical organizations :
- Training of the Trainer with application on the aeronautical traininig areas
- Regulation ( Part M, Part 145 and 66 , Part 147, EU-OPS, Part 21) with practical application and procedures editing
- Human factors
- Fuel tank safety
Cessna 172 /182 ( Lycoming/Continental ) type examination cat B1 and B2 at Tuzla,
- 11- 15th march 2019 !
-subscriptions accepted until march 10th !
-ask a quotation !
Please confirm your presence by email at
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The details will be comunicated after confirmation . Advise if you need a particular timetable.
2017, September ! Type Training for Robinson R22/R44 ( Lycoming) cat B1 and B2
Familiarisation Course Cessna 172/182 for aeronautical organizations staff
2018 - Initial and recurrent courses for Regulation, Human Factor, Procedures and maintenance practices
2018 , Cessna 172/182- Familiarizarion course for management personnel
2017, March EWIS and Fuel tank Safwty Courses
2016, August Type training on AS 355 and EC 135
2016, January Type examination on group 2 and 3 aircrafts and Type Training EC 155
2014, March : our first students accomplished all modules theory. Congratulations !
2014, January : RO:147.002 certification was extended to B1.2
2012, june 3rd
Our first exams and students !