
Events and calendar

exam of     Next examinations:    


July  4 th  2019 -  in Bucharest and Tuzla :  modules Part 66 cat B : 5 cat B1 and B2

July   18th  2019 -  in Brasov :  modules Part 66 cat B :  10

July  22th  2019 -  in Bucharest:  modules Part 66 cat B : 7, 15,  on request 

Please confirm your presence  on the platform or by email .

The hour will be comunicated 2/3 days before. Advise if you need a particular  timetable.


Training course should be successfully completed!

  • If the exam shall be repeted after previous failure, check the 90 days overdue!
  • Few days before exam, confirm your  partecipation to your tutor, by email !
